A lot of video was shot of last night's performance at 619 N Market Street. While that video is being edited and uploaded this small clip can give you an idea of what took place. New Wilmington Art Association would like to thank Jacelyn Biondo and Kristen Shahverdian of React/Dance. We'd also like to thank Heather Campbell Coyle for participating in Ahlen Moin's performance, My Salon.
bodies/words/sounds was NWAA's 10th exhibition. It was also the last exhibition held under the group's old liability plan. We will be taking the month of June off while we raise funds for our new plan which will ultimately cover us for two public events every month! In addition to holding multiple monthly events, our new deal will enable our members to utilize a vacant building for communal studio space.
The following information breaks down the 2009-2010 operating cost of our emerging organization. We need to reach our goal of 40 dues paying members and/or sponsors to cover our expenses in the coming year:
New Wilmington Art Association 2009-2010 Operating Cost
Annual General Liability through Fractured Atlas: $1,894.20
(7/1/2009- 7/1/2010)
Utilities (200 dollars down a month) $2,400.00
Art on the Town annual listing fees $250.00
Fractured Atlas annual membership dues: $75.00
2009-2010 Total Operating Cost: $4,619.20
(NWAA dues to be calculated from this amount)
Total amount needed to operate by July $2,194.20
(insurance, fractured atlas membership, 200 utility down payment and the 25 listing fee)
2009-2010 NWAA annual dues $120.00
(total operating cost divided by goal of 40 dues paying members/sponsors)
New Wilmington Art Association
Membership benefits:
1. members are guaranteed to be included in 3 group exhibitions a year
2. members have access to communal studio space in Downtown Wilmington
3. additional exhibition and curatorial opportunities are to be had throughout the year
4. members enjoy the community, dialogue, and the knowledge that our actions are carving out a space for contemporary art and artists in Downtown
5. members are expected to share their time, talent, resources, and contacts with fellow members
Sponsorship benefits:
Any NWAA supporter that matches the 2009-2010 membership dues of 120 dollars with their donation will receive:
1. an artwork of their choice at any of the 3 group exhibitions held annually
2. an NWAA t-shirt to be released in the Fall of 2009
3. Free beer and love at every NWAA reception on the 2009-2010 exhibition schedule!
Dues and Donation Payment Information:
2009-2010 NWAA annual dues payment should be made by Friday, June 19
New Wilmington Art Association is in the process of creating a checking and PayPal account for the organization, until that time, dues and donations need to be made out to: Michael Kalmbach, and "NWAA "should be written as the check’s memo.
Mail all dues and donation payments to:
Michael Kalmbach
28 Golfview Drive, Apt. B6
Newark, DE 19702
If you wish to pay by credit card a PayPal invoice will be sent to your email account. Send your request to pay by credit card to: new.wilmington.art@gmail.com (there is an addition 3% charge to cover PayPal fees)
New Wilmington Art Association does not require out-of-state members to pay the full dues amount of $120. Anyone living within 2 hours of Wilmington is considered a local member and is required to pay the $120 annual dues. If a member is experiencing economic hardship, the member is responsible to find sponsors who will pay their dues with donations totaling $120. Out-of-state members are asked to contribute to the 2009-2010 dues payment with donations ranging from $20 to $120.
Call for Entries:
Our group exhibition titled: Ni recompense ni jury or No jury, no prizes will open July 11th in the new home of the New Wilmington Art Association.
Members are free to submit whatever they want; in any quantity…more details will be posted on the blog in the coming weeks.